Kindergarten Instructional Guide

Kindergarten Oral Language Block: Content Integration Suggested Unit 7: Planning Template

Unit 7: Animal Kingdom

Suggested Oral Language Block: Intentional Integration of Materials


Scaffolding child/child interactions

Wonders Big Idea

Sentence Frame(s): ____ is the same because _____. ___is different because _______.

House Area Materials: Play phones, paper and pens to write messages, recipes. Cooking tools, cleaning tools.

Block Area Materials: Farm sets, zoo sets to make a zoo or a farm. Blocks to build areas for animals. Legos, foam blocks, Lincoln logs, stacking cups, puzzles. Math Area Materials: Manipulatives to add, subtract, represent quantities. Tools to write with for math books with story problems. Chalk boards, white boards.

What are the different kinds of animals?

EnVision 2020

Topic10: Compose and decompose numbers 11 to 19

Sentence Frame(s): ____ and ____ will equal _______. I can compose _____. I can decompose by______.

Book Area Materials: Books about different types of animals. Books to show adding and subtracting.

Science Core

K.2.1 Living Things and Their Surroundings Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to describe patterns of what living things (plants and animals, including humans) need to survive. Emphasize the similarities and differences between the survival

Art Area Materials: Playdough, white boards, markers, crayons, pens, paper, cardstock, tape, scissors, images of different types of animals in different types of habitats.

Writing Area Materials: Journals to write about different types of animals. Offering a prompt as an option to see what they can do.

Canyons School District Elementary Content Integration maps are created by the Instructional Supports Department

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