Kindergarten Instructional Guide

Expand: Learner applies these conclusions or generalizations to solve problems, make decisions, perform tasks, resolve conficts or make meaning Learner Teacher Teacher Talk Move Applies new knowledge Provides feedback ● How could you apply your claim to (new situation)? ● What would happen if_____? ● How does this idea/argument ft into _____? ● ● What are questions you now have after learning/studying ______? Evaluate: Students assess their knowledge, skills and abilities. Activities permit evaluation of student development and lesson effectiveness. Learner Teacher Teacher Talk Move Solves problems Makes open suggestions ● How would you apply this idea/argument to ______? Seek further clarifcation Asks new questions

● Does your claim provide a satisfactory answer to your investigation questions? Why? ● How can you use (text, notes) to connect the data you have collected to your claim? ● What have we talked about or read about in class that connects your data to the claim you made?

Tie fndings from investigations to material explicitly taught by teacher Write aCER

Connect with Scientifc Reasoning

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