Kindergarten Instructional Guide

● CSD Science Lesson Plans with Additional Resources ● Kindergarten OER Textbook SCAFFOLDING IN ACTION Skill Building

● Utilize sentence stems during group discussions to ensure understanding and to keep the conversation focused on solving the phenomenon. ● Make connections each day to the phenomenon. ● Explicitly teach how to develop an opinion and support it with two reasons. ● Students could research how humans use plants; ex. Clothing, Medicine, to make a dye, etc.



Wonders Shared Read p. 80 Look, A, Home Wonders Read-Write Companion Read-a-Loud p. 117 A Farm Year Wonders Read-Write Companion Read-a-Loud p. 62 A Home for Clyde

Wonders Leveled Reader “Farm Fresh Finn”

Strand 1.2: The Needs Of Living Things and Their Offspring

Standard 1.2.4 Construct an explanation of the patterns in the behaviors of parents and offspring which help offspring to survive. Examples of behavioral patterns could include the signals that offspring make such as crying, chirping, and other vocalizations or the responses of the parents such as feeding, comforting, and protecting the offspring. (LS1.B)

Topic 9: Stem Project, What Can We Get From Plants


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