Kindergarten Instructional Guide

INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES ● CSD Science Lesson Plans with Additional Resources ● Kindergarten OER Textbook SCAFFOLDING IN ACTION Skill Building

● Utilize sentence stems during group discussions to ensure understanding and to keep the conversation focused on solving the phenomenon. ● Make connections each day to the phenomenon. ● Explicitly teach how to develop an opinion and support it with two reasons. ● Students could track weather patterns for a longer time period or between two seasons (Summer and then later during Fall) and compare the number of days they observed different weather and temperature conditions.



Wonders Anthology Read-a-Loud Unit 6 T.E. page 82 Hello Grasshopper “Tiny and the Windy Day” Wonders Weekly Poem, Rhyme or Song “Whether the Weather”

Wonders Leveled Reader “Weather is Fun”

Standard K.1.1 Obtain, evaluate and communicate information about local, observable weather conditions to describe patterns over time. Emphasize the students’ collection and sharing of data. Examples of data could include sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy, cold, or warm. ESS2.D) Topic 3: Stem Project: Types of Weather i ntegrates with the science standard listed below. Strand K.1 Weather Patterns Standard K.1.2 Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information on the effect of forecasted weather patterns on human behavior. Examples could include how humans respond to local forecasts of typical and severe weather such as extreme heat, high winds, fash foods, thunderstorms, or snowstorms.


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CSD Science Lesson Plans with KaiBot and PBL Projects

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