Kindergarten Instructional Guide

Kindergarten Math Scope & Sequence

End of Unit Competency

By the end of Topic 6, students will be able to explain the types of situations that involve addition. Language Functions and Features: ● Mathematical terms ( in all, addition sentence, plus sign, equal sign, equation, sum ) ● Visuals/Objects ( drawings, fngers, counters ) to represent a problem ● Declarative statements to state conclusion (5=2+3)




● Representations ● Solveword problems ● Fluency development

● in all ● join ● addition sentence ● add

● plus sign (+) ● equal sign (=) ● equation ● sum

● Two-color counters ● Connecting cubes

enVision 2020 Curriculum Supports

STEM Project: Baby Animals Pick a Project: Baby Animals, Getting to School, Playground Fun, My School Day

6-1 Explore Addition 6-2 Represent Addition as Adding To 6-3 Represent Addition as Putting Together 6-4 Represent and Explain Addition with Equations 6-6 Continue to Represent and Explain Addition with Equations 6-5 Solve Addition Word Problems: Add To 6-6 Solve Addition Word Problems: Put Together 6-7 Use Patterns to Develop Fluency in Addition 6-8 Math Practices and Problem Solving: Model with Math

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