K-2 Game Sheets
Lesson&30.3& Mar.%
& Word%Fluency% Jan.%
Feb.% July% Dec.%
Apr.% Sept.% Tues.%
May% Oct.% Wed.%
June% Nov.%
Aug.% Mon.%
% Phrases%and%Sentence%Fluency% & Jan.&brings&the&snow;&Makes&our&feet&and&fingers&glow.& July&brings&the&greatest&heat,&Cloudless&skies&and&dusty& street.& Mar.&brings&the&wind&so&cold&and&chill;&Drives&the&cattle& from&the&hill.& Mild&Sept.&brings&us&more&Fruit&and&grain,&for&winter& store.& & Dull&Nov.&brings&the&blast:&Down&from&the&trees&the& leaves&fall&fast.& & & Connected%Text%Fluency% % The Months Jan. brings the snow; Makes our feet and fingers glow. Feb. brings the rain; Thaws the frozen pond again. Mar. brings the wind so cold and chill; Drives the cattle from the hill.
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