High School Science

Geologic Time

Earth Science

Quarter 2

McGraw Hill Module 18


the Crust ● Interactive Content:

Applying Practices: Earth’s Formation and Early History

Growth of the Continents

● Applying Practices: Earth’s

Formation and Early History



DQB and Focus Question

● Formative



Assessment Check

Formative Assessment Check

Phenomena Check In

● Launch the Lesson


Lesson 2:


The Atmosphere, Oceans & Early Life on Earth

Focus Question: What was the frst life on Earth?

Launch the Lesson: The Atmosphere, Oceans & Early Life on Earth

● Interactive Content:

Explore & Expand

480- 486

Interactive Content: Formation of the Atmosphere

Formation of the Atmosphere

● Interactive Content:

Interactive Content: Oxygen in the Atmosphere

Oxygen in the Atmosphere

Interactive Content: Formation of the Oceans

● Interactive Content:

Interactive Content: Origin of Life

Formation of the Oceans

● Interactive

Interactive Content: Proterozoic Life

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