High School Science


Earth Science

Quarter 1

McGraw Hill Module 23

If technology is unavailable, use pages 645 - 651 from the book.

Complete the QuickLab: Model Parallax



10 Min

Apply Earth Science: Radar Detection

Students might be interested to know that police make use of the Doppler effect in timing the speed of cars.



10 Miin,

Partner students and pose the question “How do we know anything about stars that are hundreds of light-years away?” Give students the opportunity to talk to their partner about the answer to the question in a think-pair-share. Once students have had time to think and share, call on students to share what they discussed together in their groups confrm correct comments and correct any misunderstandings. Allow students time to answer the Focus Question independently on a notecard or piece of paper and have them submit it as an exit ticket.

Phenomena Check In:


5 Min,

Check in to see how what students learned today can help them answer the phenomena - How do telescopes tell us what elements are in the stars?

● Chromebook or Paper Copy


Lesson 3:


15 Min.

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