High School Science


Earth Science

Quarter 1

McGraw Hill Module 23

or Student Worksheet

The Sun

Focus Question: What is inside the Sun?

Launch the Lesson: The Sun

● Chromebooks to view the digital version ● Gallery Walk Instructions ● One-pager Requirements ● Graphic Organizer

Explore and Explain

636 - 641

45 Min

Part 1: Reading & Gallery Walk Break students into expert groups to read a specifc section about the Sun from pages 636-641. Expert Groupings:

● Properties of the Sun ● The Sun’s Atmosphere ● Solar Activity ● The Solar Interior ● Spectra ● Solar Composition

Student groups should create a one-pager about the Sun from what they learned in the text. (Use either the text or the Interactive Content if you have chromebooks) Have students complete a gallery walk recording information about the properties of the Sun from each group.

● GeoLab:

Identifying Stellar Spectral Stars

45 Min

Part 2:

Investigation Lab: Diameter and Rotation of the Sun


GeoLab: Identifying Stellar Spectral Lines

15 Min

Review with students how Spectra helps us to identify properties of stars.

Complete the GeoLab: Identifying Stellar Spectral Lines or show students the second page of the lab and discuss how the lines in the spectra help us identify the elements in stars.

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