High School Science
Molecular Genetics
Quarter 3
McGraw Hill Module 11
Evaluate → Formative Assessment Check
● Formative
Assessment Check
Phenomena Check In
Engage → Focus Question: How does DNA replicate?
● Launch the Lesson Interactive Content
Lesson 2: Replication of DNA
90 Min.
Launch the Lesson: Replication of DNA
Explore & Expand → Explore and Explain: Semiconservative Replication Explore and Explain: Comparing DNA Replication in Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes
● Explore and Explain:
297- 298
Semiconservat ive Replication
● Explore and Explain: Comparing DNA Replication in Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes
Elaborate → Focus Question and DQB Evaluate → Formative Assessment Check
● Formative
Assessment Check
Phenomena Check In
Engage → Focus Question: How is DNA and RNA involved in transcription and translation?
● DNA, RNA and Protein Interactive Content
Lesson 3: DNA, RNA and Protein
45 Min.
Launch the Lesson: DNA, RNA and Protein
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