High School Science

Cellular Reproduction & Sexual Reproduction


Quarter 3

McGraw Hill Module 9

● Jello ● Water with ● Jello Lab - Rate of diffusion ● White poster board for cell cycle ● Markers ● Guide notes for Cell Cycle presentations ● Mitotic Index Lab dark color dye

discuss figure 1 on pg 221. (ration to surface volume area)

After the partner discussion, have students formulate a claim to why cell size is important and have them put it on the question board. Follow up with a demonstration of different size pieces of jello. Place each cube into a luke warm dark dye of a different color. Make students calculate the rate of diffusion (15 minutes) Follow up questions: Why would each Jello cube have different diffusion rates? How does this compare to the importance of cell size? Expand on the importance of why a high ratio of surface area to volume benefits the cell (Shift of concepts from cell tranports to DNA) ____________________________________ Clarify a Preconception Ask: Are genes and chromosomes the same thing? (Tie back to the importance of cell structures and their functions)

Video of Protein Synthesis through DMD Explain how protein synthesis works.

Follow up with what happened with the DNA to cause DMD.

Have them draw an analogy of how


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