High School Science
Biodiversity and Conservation
Quarter 1
McGraw Hill Module 5
Focus Question: How can the decline of a single species affect an entire ecosystem? KWL
● Explore and Explains online or through the textbook accompanied by notes ● Chromebook for project
Explore & Expand
108- 111
150 min
Explore and Explain: Habitat Loss
Explore and Explain: Pollution
Start Biodiversity Project - Design a solution for a factor that affects biodiversity (pollution, climate change, invasive species, habitat loss, over hunting/fishing, etc.)
● Whiteboard
5 min
Revisit Focus Question: How can the decline of a single species affect an entire ecosystem?
● Virtual
Onlin e
45 min
Investigation: Assessing Water Quality Water Quality Worksheet
Virtual Investigation: Assessing Water Quality
● Assessing
● Whiteboard
Phenomena Check In Revisit: What happens to this ecosystem if the river is destroyed?
5 min
● Launch the Lesson:
Lesson 3: Conserving Biodiversity
Onlin e
20 min
Launch the Lesson: Conserving Biodiversity
Conserving Biodiversity Video (~4 min)
● KWL chart
Think about it: The Murray River is one example of the environmental impacts of
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