High School Science

Biodiversity and Conservation


Quarter 1

McGraw Hill Module 5

used to conserve and restore biodiversity.

Bio 1.5 - Design a solution ​ that reduces the impact ​ caused ​ by human activities on the environment and biodiversity. ​ Define the problem, identify criteria and constraints, develop possible solutions using models, analyze data to make improvements from iteratively testing solutions, and optimize a solution ​ . Examples of human activities could include building dams, pollution, deforestation, or introduction of invasive species. (LS2.C, LS4.D, ETS1.A, ETS1.B, ETS1.C)

● I can understand different

types of biodiversity and why it is important.

● I understand threats to

biodiversity and how a loss of a species can affect an entire ecosystem. ● I know what resources are renewable, non renewable and sustainable. ● I can understand why the current extinction rate is unsustainable. ● I understand the methods used to conserve and restore biodiversity.


SKILLS (Verbs)

● Different types and the importance of biodiversity and how extinction can affect biodiversity ● Factors that threaten biodiversity ● Human impact on climate change ● Restoration techniques needed as a result of negative human impact

● Plan an investigation ● Analyze and interpret data ● Develop an argument ● Design a solution


● Extinction ● Biodiversity

● Mass extinction ● Natural resource ● Overexploitation ● Habitat fragmentation ● Edge effect ● Bioremediation

● Biological magnification ● Eutrophication ● Invasive species ● Renewable resource ● Nonrenewable resource ● Sustainable use ● pH ● Indicator Species

● Genetic diversity ● Species diversity ● Ecosystem diversity ● Background extinction ● Endemic




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