High School Math Guide

Critical Background Knowledge cont… • Use geometric descriptions of rigid motions to transform figures and predict the effect of transformations (I.G.CO.6) • Graph functions showing key features (I.F.IF.7, II.F.IF.7) • Interpret key features of a graph (I.F.IF.4, II.F.IF.4) • Identify and use transformation of functions (I.F.BF.3, II.F.BF.3) • Multiplying/adding/subtracting polynomials (II.A.APR.1) • Find whole number quotients and remainders (4.NBT.6) • Understand operations with rational numbers (7.NS.1, 7.NS.2) and the closure property (II.N.RN.3) • Closure of polynomials (II.A.APR.1) • Producing equivalent forms of expressions (II.A.SSE.3)

• Rearranging formulas to highlight a quantity of interest (I.A.CED.4, II.A.CED.4) • Using the structure of an expression to identify ways to rewrite it (II.A.SSE.2) • Know and use the properties to solve an equation (I.A.REI.1)

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