High School Math Guide

Critical Background Knowledge Cont…

• Understanding transformations on functions (I.F.BF.3, II.F.BF.3) • Recognize even and odd functions from a graph and as algebraic expressions (II.F.BF.3) • Graph functions with and without technology (I.F.IF.7, II.F.IF.7) • Use geometric descriptions of rigid motions to transform figures and predict the effect of transformation (I.G.CO.6) • Interpret key features of graphs and tables (I.F.IF.4, II.F.IF.4) • Find the average rate of change on a specified interval (I.F.IF.6, II.F.IF.6) • Graph functions and identify key features (F.IF.7, II.F.IF.7) • Compare functions using key features (I.F.IF.9, II.F.IF.9) • Graph and identify key features of linear, exponential, and quadratic functions (I.F.IF.4, II.F.IF.4) • Relate the domain of a function to the relationship it describes (I.F.IF.5, II.F.IF.5) • Independent, dependent variables and input/output (8.F.1) • Graph functions showing key features (I.F.IF.7, II.F.IF.7) • Interpret key features of a graph (I.F.IF.4, II.F.IF.4) • Identify and use transformation of functions (I.F.BF.3, II.F.BF.3) • Performing the mathematical operations of addition, subtraction, and multiplication using quadratics (II.A.APR.1) • Understanding closure of polynomials for addition, subtraction, and multiplication (II.A.APR.1) • Use the structure of an expression to rewrite it (III.A.SSE.2, II.A.SSE.3, II.FIF.8) • Solve quadratic equations (II.N.CN.7, II.N.CN.8, II.N.CN.9) • Factoring a quadratic expression to reveal the zeros of the function it defines (II.A.SSE.3, II.F.IF.8) • Identifying the parts of a linear, exponential, or quadratic expression, such as terms, factors, and coefficients (I.A.SSE.1, II.A.SSE.2) • Determining the real-world context of the variables, factors, or terms in an expression (I.A.SSE.1, II.A.SSE.1) • Understand that rewriting an expression can highlight quantities (7.EE.2) • Graphing quadratic functions by hand, showing intercepts, and maxima, or minima (II.F.IF.7) • Meaning and form of complex numbers (II.N.CN.1) • Adding, subtracting, and multiplying complex numbers (II.N.CN.2) • Know the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra (II.N.CN.9) • Familiarity with function notation and domain (I.F.IF.2) • Understand the definition of function (8.F.1, I.F.IF.1)

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