Instructional Playbook

Instructional Materials Teacher Selection Criteria

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Review Criteria

Meets Criteria Guidance

All apps, extensions, and software must be approved prior to student use in the classroom. Websites must be approved IF they collect personal identifiable information (i.e. a student login is required for access--including those that allow Google/Microsoft sign-in). For websites that do not require approval, it is important to thoroughly review the website’s construction prior to instruction to ensure that students are not accessing content outside of the intended learning. When possible, teachers should use LanSchool or Apple Classroom to monitor student learning while on devices. To view approved digital materials OR to submit a request for approval, visit Canyons’ LearnPlatform. Digital materials will be approved on a quarterly basis. Requests are due: September 1 December 1 March 1 June 1 Notification of approval may take up to 60 days depending on how quickly vendors submit the required Data Privacy Agreement (DPA) If a digital tool requiring approval is used without approval, classroom teachers are liable for the security of student data and student safety.

In compliance with FERPA, CIPA and COPPA

The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) requires schools to have protection measures that block or filter access to obscene or harmful content over the internet. (See, Pub. L No. 106 554) The Children’s Online Privacy and Protection Act (COPPA) protects the online privacy of children under 13. (See, 15 U.S.C. § 6501 et seq)

For additional questions or support with CIPA/COPPA, contact your Instructional Support Department specialists.

Instructional materials do not contain any pornographic or indecent material.

Pornographic or indecent material is defined as harmful to minors, patently offensive, appeals to the prurient interest of sex in minors, and taken as a whole does not have serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value (HB 374; UT Code Section 53G-10-103; 76-10-1235).

Free of sensitive materials

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