Instructional Playbook

Instructional Materials Policy

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Instructional materials are the digital and print resources used to promote student learning. All instructional materials must be selected and approved in accordance with Canyons Instructional Materials Policy 600.2. The policy differentiates five categories of instructional materials and specifies an approval process for each category. All materials require evaluation using the Instructional Materials Selection Criteria.

Instructional Material


Approval Process

Primary materials adopted for core content areas used in all schools by all teachers who teach the course Materials are mapped to a specific scope and sequence in the Content Instructional Guide. Examples: Wonders, Illustrative Math, Inspire Physics

Curriculum Committee


CSD Board Approval

District Specialist/School Submits Request

Primary materials for elective courses Examples: Concurrent Enrollment texts


Director of ISD Approval

Materials that enhance primary materials or are used in combination with other supplemental materials for teaching specific standards Examples: Derivita, Number Talks Materials intended to build specific skills with students who are below benchmark in reading, language, writing, and/or mathematics These materials typically have a diagnostic assessment for placement and a recommended scope and sequence Examples: Read/Math 180, 95% PLL, Lexia Specific instructional materials selected by teachers or licensed educators to enhance a lesson(s) Not intended for extended use (on a routine basis) Recommended that teachers have a colleague or administrator review for appropriateness if unsure about whether or not materials meet criteria

District Specialist/School Submits Request


Director of ISD Approval

District Specialist/School Submits Request


Director of ISD Approval

Teachers Evaluate Using Criteria

Teacher Selected

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