Instructional Playbook

Information Literacy

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To be information literate means to be skilled at locating, evaluating, using, and sharing information legally, ethically, and effectively. Information-literate students understand the importance of making decisions based on reliable, credible, and verifiable facts (being informed), rather than opinions (being influenced). They develop a healthy skepticism toward the information they encounter and learn to fact-check to avoid misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation. When intentionally embedding information literacy into classroom instruction, teachers can support student success by teaching skills needed to navigate and critically assess the vast amount of information available in the digital age. This involves helping students differentiate between facts and opinions, advertising or propaganda, identify manipulated or computer-generated images, and recognize bias and stereotyping in information, news, and media. Students who master information literacy understand the motives between creators and audiences and possess sound research skills. They can formulate questions and locate high-quality, factual information to meet their academic and personal needs. By developing these skills, students become more informed and engaged citizens, capable of making thoughtful, well-informed decisions. “Despite the perception that we are more divided and fractured than ever, there are some things we can and must agree on: The challenges we face as a species are monumental. The consequences for inaction are dire. We may not always agree on who is to blame or who has the best solution, but we do know that the answers to those questions must be rooted in facts.” (Lagarde & Hudgins, 2021).

Realize how emotional reactions influence online behavior Locate markers of credibility when viewing information on personal devices Recognize common red flags and practice such skills as, lateral reading Explain the motives behind mis-, dis,- and malinformation Establish credibility when creating and sharing Artificial Intelligence (AI) generated content, as well as possible AI generated content Critical Actions for Educators

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