MS Health I Instructional Guide


2.4.2. select Officers; and 2.4.3. comply with Utah’s Open and Public Meetings Act. The District Sex Education Instruction Committee’s Duties: 1. Ap ruot hg roarmi z se pt hr ee vui soeu solfysaepx perdouvceadt iboyn tihnes tSrtuacttei oBno pa rrdo gorfaEmdsu oc ar tmi oant.u r a t i o n e d u c a t i o n 2. Rcoemvipewly awnidthrsetcaotme lmawen. d instructional materials that are medically accurate and 2.1. Idni ss tt rr iucct tri oe sniadlemn tast eprriiaolrs two icl lobnes iadvearial at ibol ne ffoo rr raedaospotni oanb.l e r e v i e w o p p o r t u n i t i e s t o 2.2. Ionfstthreucbtoioanrdalmmeamtebreiarslspmreussetnbte. approved in a public meeting by a majority vote 3. Rs peevai ekwe r as nadn da pgpureosvt ep ar el ls iennstterrusc tainodn at hl me i ra treersipa lesc, tsi vpee amk ae tres r, isapl se crieallapt irnogg rt oa ms esxg u e s t emdeudciactailolyn ainccsutrruactteioanndtocoenmspulrieesthwaitththsetaintefolramwa. tion sought to be presented is 4. R 4. e 1 v . iew of prior approvals oI nf as tprpurcot vi oanl at ol mc haet ec kr i af ol sr wmiel ldbi cearl eavciceuwr ea dc yeavne dr yc towmop(l i2a)nyc ee awr si tfhr osmt a tteh el a iwn i. t i a l d a t e 4.2. Sb pe ge iankneirnsg, sopf eecai ac hl psrcohgoroalmy se ,aar nt dh arte tshoeurrec eh aa vg ee nbceieens wn oi l lc hv ea rnigf ye si nt owtrhi et iinr g a t t h e previously-approved presentations. 4.3. Aprneyscehnatantgioesnsm. ust be reviewed and approved by the committee prior to their 5. He deua cr aatpi opne ai nl ss, tcr ou mc t pi ol na i np trso, gorra mo tsh ea rn ds p/ eo cr i ianl smt rautct et irosnptehrat ta ihnai vneg nt oo te bx ieset ni nrgesseoxl v e d a t 6. t S p h u e e r b f s m o c r i h t m o a o e n d l a l b e n v y n e t u l h . a e l w c ormi t tme ni t treeep aonr td taontyh ec obmo aprl adi ne at sc ho ry ec oa rn cwe hr ni csht hs ua mt wmearrei zr eesc et hi vee wd ob ryk tphreogDriasmtrisc.t related to the District’s sex education instruction or instructional 7. UthpedDatisetarincnt’usawlleybtshieteA. pproved Materials List which may be published accessed on ADMIN-REG: 600.5-4 APPROVED: 6.12.18 ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION—600.5-4 : ( Training and Review ) 1 . Th ar av ienri ne sgp: oTnhs iebDi l iitsyt rfiocrt wa ni lyl ahsopl de cttr aoifnsienxg eedvue cr ya tti ho rneien (s3t r)uycet ai orns . f oRr 2a7l l7e-d4u7c4a(t 5o r) (s2t)h. a t 2. Review: In accordance with state law, every two years:

Policy—600.5—Sex Education - Page 4 of 5

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