MS Health I Instructional Guide

Strand 2: Mental and Emotional Health (MEH)

Health I

STANDARD HI.MEH.2: Identify the risk factors for development and the prevalence of mental health disorders, explain the importance of early intervention and treatment, and locate valid and reliable health services. a. Distinguish types of mental health disorders (for example, depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar, schizophrenia, OCD, ADD/ADHD, phobias, PTSD) by identifying signs and symptoms. b. Demonstrate how to ask for and offer assistance to enhance the health of self and others in harmful situations. CONCEPTS SKILLS ● Risk Factors ● Development ● Mental health disorders ● Early intervention ● Treatment ● Health services ● Identify ● Explain ● Locate ● Distinguish ● Identify ● Demonstrate ● Ask for assistance


1. Identify risk factors 2. Identify the different types of mental health conditions 3. Differentiate between mood disorders and personality disorders 4. Describe anxiety disorders

5. Explain possible causes of mental health conditions 6. Describe treatment options for mental health conditions 7. Identify the variety of mental health workers in the community (for example: counselor, social worker, therapist, psychologist, etc.) 8. Recognize how to help a loved one who has a mental health condition 9. Demonstrate how to ask for assistance 10. Locate valid and reliable health services, such as: Canyons Family Center,, etc.


● Risk Factors ● Mental illness ● Anxiety disorder ● Attention Defcit Hyperactivity Disorder ● Depression ● Antisocial personality disorder ● Schizophrenia ● Bipolar disorder ● Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

● Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ● Therapist ● Individual therapy

● Family therapy ● Support groups ● Antidepressants ● Antipsychotics ● Inpatient treatments ● Stigma

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