HS Visual Art Instructional Guide

4. Practice using selected supplies and materials appropriately in creating the art project. 5. Identify and select various appropriate methods, approaches, and techniques to create the project. 6. Appropriately apply selected methods, approaches, and techniques to create the project. 7. Create and share artwork while demonstrating artistic awareness, ethics, and responsibility. WISR CONNECTIONS:

Writing, Inquiry, Speaking, Listening, Reading, Viewing CONCEPTS: PRIORITY VOCABULARY:


● Artistic Materials ● Methods & Approaches ● Social Awareness & Responsibility ● Ethical Practices

● Materials (e.g., clay, clay tools, glazes, frings, kiln, stages of clay.) ● Methods (e.g., pinch pot, coils, slabs) ● Social Awareness & Responsible Practices ● Ethical Practices (e.g., copyright, appropriation and fair use)

● Develop and demonstrate skills through daily classwork with various materials, methods, and approaches of individually and collectively creating works of art. ● Demonstrate social awareness as well as responsible and ethical practices in creating and sharing works of art.

EXAMPLE LESSONS, ACTIVITIES, ASSESSMENTS, PROJECTS, and RESOURCES * CSD Educators must login to their Art of Education account to view all Art of Education resources. The Art of Education: The Complete Art Room Furniture, Equipment, & Instructional Materials List The Art of Education: Middle School Supply List The Art of Education: Drawing and Painting Supply List The Art of Education: Ceramics and Printmaking Supply List The Art of Education: What you Can and Can’t Do with Copyright in the Art Room The Art of Education: Copyright, Appropriation, Fair Use Copyright and Creativity: Middle School Curriculum Copyright and Creativity: High School Common Sense Education: The Four Factors of Fair Use Common Sense Education: Creativity, Copyright, and Fair Use Video Library of Congress Blogs: Six Copyright Concepts your K-12 Students Should Know Wix Blog: How to Give Proper Credit on Social Media

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