HS Japanese

● I can read and write using the Hiragana alphabet. ● I can utilize proper pronunciation of the Japanese vowels. ● I can introduce myself and carry a simple conversation in Japanese ● I can understand and use the basic SOV sentence structure in Japanese. ● I can ask and answer basic questions. These questions include exchanging names, asking about the weather, birthdays, etc. ● I can count the numbers 1-99



Skill Building

● Use a variety of visuals and pneumonic devices with Japanese characters to define meaning of words and phrases ● Use a graphic organizer to differentiate the Japanese characters, phrases, & images for students to make associations between objects & characters. ● Use Total Physical Response to review Japanese characters and classroom objects. ● Group students to allow opportunity for them to practice Japanese. ● Before assigning students a conversation, model the conversation, and provide sentence frames or sentence starters (eg. Hello. My name is … What is your name? … Nice to meet you.). ● Use gestures and oral repetition of key phrases and words in multiple contexts. ● Exchange names using culturally appropriate greetings and body language. ● Engage the student in more student-teacher conversation in Japanese aside from regularly planned activities or group the student with other advanced learners who are ready for more challenging dialog. ● Students provide the TPR commands. ● Students ask questions about the topics covered in a lesson ● Have students provide extended responses/more details. ● Have students recognize and read the Hiragana characters.


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