HS Chinese Guide

Chinese LEVEL2

UNIT4 Food & Eating Out





● USBE Standards ● ACTFL website ● ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines ● World Readiness



Standards for Languages



China is a large and diverse country which covers an area roughly the size of Europe. The size of China’s population and the great regional and economic diversity make it diffcult to generalize about many cultural practices, perspectives, and products. ● How is life in China similar and different across different regions—urban/rural? ● How is life different for rich and poor, for older and younger generations, for Chinese and minority groups in China? ● How are practices, products, and perspectives different across China and across generations? ● How can speaking the language help us access perspectives unique to Chinese people/culture?

● I can identify cultural practices related to food. ● I can demonstrate an understanding of appropriate table manners in China (i.e. don’t stand 筷子 on rice. Wait until the elder begins eating) ● I can compare and contrast typical diets for people in different parts of China and the U.S. and other countries ● I can identify food products typical of China; identify traditional Chinese foods from various regions in China rice/wheat cultures 年糕,米粉,水 饺 ,米 饭 ● I can identify similarities and difference in attitudes about foods in the U.S. and China (e.g. analyze advertisements for food—print or broadcast)

ESSENTIAL LANGUAGE & VOCABULARY ● I can ask and answer simple questions about what you like to eat. ( 饭 ,肉,豆 类 ,蔬菜,水 果, 汤 ) ● I can express preferences for different foods. ( 汉 堡,比 萨饼 ,三明治,面包,米 饭 , 饺 子 ....) ● I can order at a restaurant and pay for the meal. ● I can identify basic food groups from items on a Chinese menu. ● I can read a short grocery list. ● I can engage in conversation about healthy food.

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