HS Chinese Guide
33.answer simple questions to provide basic information 34.ask simple, formulaic questions 35.provide simple information on subject matter content
19.responses to simple questions 20.simple information related to subject matter content
ESSENTIAL LANGUAGE, STRUCTURE & VOCABULARY ● I can talk about color preferences (What’s your favorite color? 你最喜 欢 什么 颜 色 ? 黑色,棕色, 蓝 色, 绿 色, 红 色,黄色,白色 ) ● I can describe colors of clothing. ● I can describe what people are wearing. ● I can describe family members: describe family member’s physical characteristics using colors, clothing, parts of body ( 好看, 帅 ,衣服, 裤 子, 颜 色, 头发 ,眼睛 oral only) ● I can describe classmates: describe physical characteristics of classmates using colors,clothing, parts of body.
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