HS Chinese Guide
● Use a variety of visuals with Chinese characters to defne meaning of words and phrases (eg. pictures of the calendar, visuals that represent things like today, yesterday, tomorrow, images of people on the phone) ● Use a graphic organizer to differentiate the Chinese characters, phrases, & images for students to make associations between objects & characters. ● Use Total Physical Response to review Chinese characters and calendar vocabulary. (eg. hold up the character for Monday 星期一 ) . ● Group students to allow opportunity for them to practice speaking Chinese. ● Before assigning students a conversation, model the conversation, and provide sentence frames or sentence starters (eg.How old are you? I am … years old. What date is today? Today is…When is your birthday? My birthday is … What is your phone number … My phone number is ... 你几 岁? 我 ... 岁。 今天是几月几日?今天是 .. 月 .. 日。 你的生日是几月几日?我的生日是 ... 月 ... 日。你的 电话 是多少?我的 电话 是 .... 。 ). ● Read simple notes of introduction or information on a form relating to name and age. ● Ask and answer questions about personal information such as age, birthday, and phone number. ● Use gestures and oral repetition of key phrases and words in multiple contexts. ● Engage the student in more student-teacher conversation in Chinese aside from regularly planned activities or group the student with other advanced learners who are ready for more challenging dialog. ● Students provide the TPR commands. ● Students ask questions about the topics covered in a lesson (eg. looking at a picture, the student can ask “Who is …? How old is …? Where …?”). ● Have students provide extended responses/more details. ● Have students recognize and read the characters without using Pinyin. ● Ask students to fll out a simple form asking for name, age, year in school and present to the group. ● Ask students to write a short note of introduction including name, age, grade in school and share with the group. ● Ask students to conduct a short interview using a checklist, answering questions and writing down answers about personal information such as age, birthday, and phone number.
Skill Building
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