FCS Integrated

Service Learning: ● Work with a local organization to design a renovation plan for their space ● Create instructional resources teaching design principles for youth groups ● Redesign and beautify a community space as a class project

RESOURCES Activities:

● Show Box Room - Canvas ● Cookie Color Wheel - Canvas ● Positive Negative Art Space - Canvas ● Elements & Principles of Design Scavenger Hunt - Canvas ● Texture Mood Board - Canvas ● Elements of Design Foldable - Canvas ● Harmony Quilt Block - Canvas

● Create Your Color Wheel - Canvas ● Color Wheel Paint Review - Canvas ● Frosting Color Wheel - Canvas ● Color Quiz - Canvas

● Color Terms Crossword - Canvas ● Floorplanner.com Design - Canvas ● Paper House Project - Canvas ● Interior Design Challenge - Canvas Skills : ● Students will identify different principles and elements of interior design in photos of different interiors. ● Students will identify different color schemes associated with an interior space. ● Students will explain how the function of the room dictates the design of the space. ● Students will create a foor plan on paper, or using an online software, to show proper use of principles and elements of design. ● Students will identify proper and improper traffc patterns in an interior space. Scaffolded Learning : For new learners : ● Consider scaffolded notes or limit the scope of assignments or projects. ● Provide one-on-one guidance or precision partnering for classroom activities or projects. ● Provide students with a blank picture of an interior (instead of having them create their own) that they can design with different colors and textures.

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