Best Practices for Digital Teaching and Learning
Behavioral Instructional Priorities
Academic Instructional Priorities
Data & Feedback Personalize Learning
Learning Environment
Teacher Clarity
Explicit Instruction
Consider the three elements of TPACK when lesson planning. Align course content to core concepts and skills that are based on Utah Standards. Communicate the learning that will take place. Use the CSD Instructional Guides to support planning Collaborate in PLCs to unpack priority standards to create learning progressions Communicate and post learning intentions and success criteria in all learning spaces Create meaningful learning experiences using appropriate digital resources that will engage, enhance, and/or extend the learning goal(s) Provide rationale for learning experiences Use technology to share expectations and/or provide exemplars that are accessible at any time or place Teacher Moves
Provide content instruction based on your selected standards. Introduce, explain, demonstrate and model skills in a specific and logical order. Provide clear, straightforward and unequivocal directions. Use technology, like Nearpod, to increase student engagement, active participation, and checks for understanding Use technology like Nearpod or Canvas page/module with small groups to allow for remediation or extension of learning I Do, You Do , We Do, Y'all Do Provide exemplars using screen capture / annotation tools like Skitch. Engage students in structured classroom discussions via Canvas. Use screencasting tools to create short mini-concept lessons Explicitly teach and embed digital citizenship using resources like Common Sense Media lesson plans Teacher Moves
Determine how students can best practice specific skills by utilizing both synchronous and asynchronous activities.
Consider all students you serve and provide learning experiences that empower each student to own their strengths, needs, and interests.
Cultivate your classroom community by being present, visible and active in online activities, discussions, and other digital learning spaces.
Provide a variety of ways for students to demonstrate mastery. When developing assessments, collect evidence that will provide data.
Use the data collected to inform instruction and identify student progress. Provide feedback to students that is timely, relevant and actionable.
Create, establish, and maintain a safe learning environment in physical and/or digital learning spaces.
Teacher Moves
Teacher Moves
Teacher Moves
Teacher Moves
Teacher Moves
Teacher Moves
Pick the tool/online program that is the best fit for the skill you want students to practice Employ a variety of engagement to meet varied student needs using tools like Nearpod Engage students in a variety of group & individual learning experiences using tools like Google Docs & Slides Use real time collaboration tools like Jamboard, Nearpod, and Padlet to support co-construction of knowledge Use technology to complement in-person discussion by inviting reflection and further interaction Monitor student practice for accuracy using tools like Canvas Speedgrader Provide scaffolds, such as visuals & sentence frames in Canvas
Follow CSD expectations & style guide when setting up Canvas courses Establish and communicate norms and expectations for technology usage Ensure content is accessible to all students, e.g. engineering text, translation, or Universal Design for Learning Use protocols to help students build empathy and act socially responsible in physical and online environments Actively monitor technology use in the classroom through proximity and through the use of tools like LanSchool or Apple Classroom Model ways to be safe, legal, and ethical in digital spaces Use the LEARN platform as a guide when selecting tools
Foster student connections using digital tools like Flip, collaboration boards, or video conferencing tools Facilitate and participate in online discussions and collaborations created with tools like Canvas and Nearpod Include a screencast using Loom when providing content online, allowing students and families to see you Schedule regular class announcements using tools Co-learn and problem solve with students when introducing new digital tools Motivate students to be upstanders and encourage others to use technology for good like Parent Square, Remind, or Canvas
When designing assessments, consider pre assessments and prior summative assessment data Use technology to provide Use technology to create summative assessments that provide a way for students to demonstrate understanding and mastery of a concept Create clearly-defined rubrics using tools like Canvas Provide a variety of options for student demonstration of mastery using tools like Canva, Adobe CC, 3-D printers, digital portfolios, etc. Use question / items banks to vary assessments quick checks for understanding
Provide ways for students to analyze their data and self assess to create goals Provide opportunities for students to self-direct & own their learning Allow student choice in path, pace, & place by using choice boards or playlists Scaffold students' ability to use a variety of digital tools to produce products that show mastery, i.e. podcast, video, infographic, etc. Provide accommodations in student pathways to help students meet and/or extend beyond the learning outcome Provide learning experiences that allow students to focus on their learning process
Use technology to provide personalized, actionable, & timely feedback in a variety of formats such as written, audio, & video comments Provide opportunities for peer-to-peer feedback using tools like Google Docs and Canvas peer reviews Analyze data from the student practice and assessments to drive and adjust instruction Use tools like Data Dashboard or individual program reports to identify & problem solve learner trends & needs Use the assessment data to guide conversations, collaborations, and decisions made in PLCs Use Canvas and/or ParentSquare to communicate student progress to families
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