out for. ● Students will physically identify all equipment in the kitchen.
● Students will use worksheets, online resources, or other math fraction activities to practice fraction multiplication and division to learn how to multiply and divide recipe amounts. ● Students will practice measuring techniques when acquiring ingredients for a recipe during a cooking lab. ● Students will demonstrate appropriate food preparation procedures when cooking with their lab groups. ● Students will create on paper or online their own MyPlate based on a past meal and evaluate whether it follows MyPlate guidelines or not. ● Students can utilize online resources at Myplate.gov to evaluate their own nutrition practices. ● Students will follow proper nutrition guidelines to create meal plans using all six basic nutrients. ● Students will correctly identify and label different recipe ingredients from recipes into the six basic nutrient groups. Scaffolded Lessons : For new learners: ● Consider scaffolded notes or limit scope of assignments or projects. ● Provide one-on-one guidance or precision partnering for classroom activities or projects, especially cooking labs. ● Assign kitchen tasks where the student excels, or is capabl of performing well. ● Students will create one meal following MyPlate guidelines instead of creating multiple meals. For accelerated learners: ● Consider having students teach/reteach the class how to complete fractions. ● Students can create safety or sanitation PSA videos. ● Students can demonstrate to the class how to perform specifc food preparation procedures (i.e., cut, dice, saute, cream, whip). ● Students can research, plan, and execute their own recipes for a cooking lab. ● Students will plan a day of meals following the MyPlate guidelines. ● Students can price out the meals they plan following MyPlate guidelines. ● Consider having students research one of the nutrients and teaching it to the class. ● Consider having students create posters or pamphlets about each different nutrient. The posters and pamphlets can then be used to teach the next group of students about the nutrients. ● Consider providing students more diffcult recipes to prepare. Vocabulary
● Sanitation Danger ● Zone Foodborne Illness
● Nutrients ● Carbohydrates ● Protein
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