Unit 3
Key Language Usage
● 8-10 Class Periods
Narrate Argue Inform Explain
Standards 6: Students will participate in activities regarding early childhood education. 6.1: Outline the responsibilities of childcare providers who work in the early childhood careers. ● Identify safety hazards, accident prevention and emergency situation procedures. ● Discuss types and signs of child abuse and how to prevent it. ● Differentiate between negative and positive methods of guidance for children. 6.2: Describe the developmental value of play. 6.3: Plan and/or prepare a food experience that appeals to children, promotes healthy eating habits, and follows current USDA nutritional guidelines for preparing foods for children. 6.4: Demonstrate a hands-on early childhood education experience. ● Select a theme, games, healthy snacks, stories, fngerplays, art project, and science or sensory projects to use for childcare activities. 6.5: Integrate consumerism, entrepreneurship and careers related to early childhood education. (Pre-school, K-3) ● Investigate the costs associated with childcare for one year. End of Unit Competency ● I can identify and describe the responsibilities of being a childcare provider. ● I can identify safety hazards for children and demonstrate what to do in the case of an accident or emergency. ● I can identify and describe the signs of child abuse and know how to proceed. ● I can explain how play affects a child’s development emotionally, socially, and physically. ● Identify age appropriate activities that promote creative play. ● Discuss how play infuences social, emotional and physical development.
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