● Discuss brand names, advertising, merchandising and how they affect the consumer.
End of Unit Competency ● I can explain hands-on skill development related to clothing construction, fashion, textile technology, and careers. ● I can explain skill use and care for the sewing machine, serger and other specialty sewing machines. ● I can identify the parts of the sewing machine and their functions. ● I can explain how to change a needle in the sewing machine. ● I can explain how to correctly thread the sewing machine. ● I can explain how to wind and insert the bobbin into the sewing machine. ● I can identify proper/safe usage of a serger. ● I can identify industry based sewing equipment and follow safety standards as they apply. ● I can narrate proper usage of a rotary cutter, mat board, pins, handle needles, seam gauge, measuring tape, seam ripper and iron safely. ● I can identify and adjust patterns appropriately. ● I can explain what backstitch, pivot, fnishing seam, top stitch, and seam allowances mean. ● I can narrate how to sew a buttonhole and attach a button. ● I can explain key terms related to fashion.
● I can explain how to express myself through fashion. ● I can narrate how advertising affects buying choices. ● I can explain how to care for clothing appropriately . Language Functions & Features: ■ Generalized nouns to introduce a topic and/or entity ■ Opening statements to identify the type of information
■ Verbs to defne career pathways or attributes (eg. have, be, belong to, consist of) ■ Expanded noun groups to defne key concepts, add details or classify information ■ Reporting devices to acknowledge outside sources and integrate information into the report as in saying verbs and direct quotes ■ Technical word choices to defne and classify entity ■ Adjectives and adverbs to answer questions about quantity, size, shape, manner ( descriptions)
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