Canyons School District
Instructional Supports Department
Learning Intentions: ● I am learning how to identify important details in the text and how to share my thinking with a partner using complete sentences Success Criteria & Relevance Success criteria provide a means for the students and teacher to monitor progress toward learning, making learning visible to both the teacher and the students. Success criteria are not simply tasks to be completed, but focused on the success level to be achieved. They are the end product of careful planning (Teacher Clarity Playbook pg 54). Learners need to have some insight into why they are learning something. Taking the time to address relevancy fosters motivation and deepens learning. Understanding the relevancy of their learning moves students forward. Taking the time to address relevancy fosters motivation and deepens learning as students begin to make connections to larger concept (Teacher Clarity Playbook pg 54). Example Standard: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. Nouns: Textual Evidence Learning Progressions: 1. Determine the major themes, plot, characters, and setting of the text. 2. Make inferences about the text. 3. Create a logical claim based on the text. 4. Use evidence to support an analysis of what the text explicitly says. 5. Use evidence to support inferences drawn from the text. 6. Use formal reasoning to explain how the evidence supports your claim. 7. Use MLA format for citations. Learning Intentions: ● I am learning how to identify important details in the text and how to share my thinking with a partner using complete sentences. Success Criteria: ● I can list important details in the text. ● I can rephrase important details in my own words. Relevance: ● Understanding the important details helps you make sense of what you read. ● Writers need to present ideas logically so their readers understand. Analysis of explicit text Analysis of inferences Verbs: Cite Support Draw from
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