Unit 2

Food Safety/ Measuring


Key Language Usage

● 15-20 Class Periods

Narrate Argue Inform Explain

STANDARDS 7: Students will determine the importance of proper nutrition, and food preparation and techniques .

7.1: Apply lab management and safety procedures. ● Identify food safety and sanitation guidelines. ● Practice recipe conversations including doubling and halving. ● Demonstrate correct measuring techniques. ● Demonstrate proper use and care of kitchen equipment. ● Identify cooking terms. ● Demonstrate food preparation procedures.

● Recognize table settings and appropriate social interactions during mealtimes. 7.5: Integrate consumerism, entrepreneurship, and careers related to food and nutrition.

End of Unit Competency ● I can identify food safety and sanitation guidelines.

● I can explain how to calculate and formulate basic equivalent conversions.

● I can narrate correct measuring techniques.

● I can identify cooking terms and demonstrate food preparation. Language Functions & Features:

■ Generalized nouns to introduce a topic and/or entity ■ Opening statements to identify the type of information

■ Verbs to defne career pathways or attributes (eg. have, be, belong to, consist of) ■ Expanded noun groups to defne key concepts, add details or classify information ■ Reporting devices to acknowledge outside sources and integrate information into the report as in saying verbs and direct quotes ■ Technical word choices to defne and classify entity ■ Adjectives and adverbs to answer questions about quantity, size, shape, manner ( descriptions)

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