Career and Technical Education District Wide Standards Based Assessments
What are the DISTRICT-WIDE STANDARDS-BASED ASSESSMENTs (DWSBAs)? DWSBAs are part of the CSD Assessment system. DWSBAs are designed to formatively assess where students are in their learning progression towards mastery of targeted standards and to provide feedback to students at set points in time. All secondary CTE students will take the DWSBAS in Canvas. Middle school CTE teachers will administer a required pre-assessment and post-assessment and can choose to give end-of-unit assessments as desired. High school CTE teachers will administer a required pre-assessment and end-of-course skills assessment. Teachers can effectively use DWSBA data for IPLCs at the school and district levels by using the data to plan for future instruction. Teachers decide as a district-wide IPLC which units will be assessed and set the assessment window. How should the DWSBA Assessment be administered? Teachers administer the CTE District-wide Standards-based Assessment (DWSBA) by using standardized directions [Teacher Administration Manual (TAM)]. All standard testing protocols should also be followed. Modeling and scaffolding for learners should be done during regular instruction. What accommodations should I allow for students on an IEP or ELLs? Accommodation decisions for ELL or students on an IEP, are left up to the school site with consultation from the school’s SST or leadership team. The recommended time for the CTE DWSBAs is a class period or less depending on the course. Students may take more or less time to complete the task. Use professional discretion to evaluate if more or less time needs to be given. Students should be allowed to fnish to the best of their ability, and should not be pressured to spend more time on the task which may not change the student’s score. Where will the data be housed? All CTE DWSBAS are found in the CTE Canvas Course titled “CSD CTE Common Assessments”. For access to the Canvas course reach out to the CTE Specialist Patti Larkin at patricia.larkin@canyonsdistrict.org.
Tips for Utilizing DWSBAData
· Formatively
guide next steps with instruction
· Evaluate student progress · Gauge student performance compared to their peers
· Provide
feedback to students on their progress towards mastery
· Have students
assess their data and develop goals for growth
Testing Windows Level
Pre- Assessment
Post- Assessment
Middle School
Within the frst two weeks of the semester
Within the last two weeks of the semester
High School
Within the frst two weeks of the semester
Within the frst two weeks of the semester
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