FCS 6th Grade
○ FryPan ○ Liquid Measuring Cups ○ Dry Measuring Cups ○ Measuring Spoons
1. Demonstrate profciency in basic kitchen management, food safety, and sanitation practices: ● Develop and follow a lab plan sheet for organizing kitchen tasks and resources. ● Identify and prevent cross-contamination risks in the kitchen. ● Explain the temperature danger zone and its implications for food safety. ● Demonstrate safe handling and usage of kitchen equipment. ● Practice proper handwashing techniques and maintain cleanliness in the kitchen environment. ● Describe and implement proper dishwashing procedures. 2. Understand and apply the principles of the MyPlate model and the USDA dietary guidelines: ● Identify the food groups and their recommended proportions according to the MyPlate model. ● Explain the key recommendations and guidelines provided by the USDA for a balanced diet. ● Plan and create meals that align with the MyPlate model and dietary guideline 3. Interpret nutritional information and food labels: ● Identify and explain the different components of a nutrition facts label. ● Calculate and compare nutritional values, such as calories, macronutrients, and micronutrients, across different food products. ● Evaluate the nutritional adequacy of a meal or recipe based on the information provided on food labels. 4. Demonstrate profciency in basic food preparation skills: ● Accurately measure ingredients using appropriate dry and liquid measuring tools. ● Defne and apply basic cooking terms (e.g., cream, fold, simmer, boil, bake, sauté, chop, preheat, beat/whip, grease) in recipe preparation. ● Read and follow recipe instructions correctly, sequencing tasks in the proper order. ● Operate basic kitchen appliances safely and effectively. ● Identify and utilize essential kitchen equipment and tools (e.g., runner scraper/spatula, whisk, turner/spatula, saucepan, fry pan, measuring cups, and spoons) appropriately.
Skill Building
Kitchen safety and sanitation:
● Hands-on simulations: Set up mock scenarios or stations to practice proper handwashing, and cleaning techniques, and identify potential hazards in the kitchen. ● Video demonstrations: Show videos highlighting proper food handling, cross-contamination prevention, and kitchen sanitation best practices. ● Kitchen safety scavenger hunt: Have students identify potential safety hazards or violations in a kitchen setting and suggest ways to
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