FCS 6th Grade
Interpersonal Relationship Skills
● Analyze the characteristics of healthy vs unhealthy relationships ● Demonstrate skills for communicating with empathy and respect ● Identify strategies for managing interpersonal conficts constructively
Skill Building
Communication Skills:
● Role-playing scenarios to practice verbal/non-verbal strategies ● Analyzing video examples of effective/ineffective communication ● Active listening activities like paraphrasing exercises ● Identifying communication barriers in sample situations and how to address them
Social Skills:
● Case studies examining social norms/expectations in different contexts ● Developing a personal code of cyber ethics and online citizenship ● Roleplaying scenarios dealing with peer pressure, stress, conficts ● Analyzing impacts of online behaviors through contemporary examples
Decision Making:
● Walking through the decision-making process for realistic scenarios ● Evaluating the trustworthiness and bias of different information sources ● Personal refections/writing on core values and their origins ● Analyzing how values infuence the choices of historical fgures
Interpersonal Relationships:
● Comparing/contrasting characteristics of healthy vs unhealthy relationships ● Practicing empathetic listening and "I" statements through partners
● Analyzing conficts through multiple perspectives ● Role-playing constructive confict resolution strategies
● Interview a professional who relies heavily on communication skills (e.g. teacher, counselor, customer service rep) ● Design a social media campaign to promote positive online behaviors ● Complete a personality/strength assessment and develop an interpersonal growth plan ● Read biographies about people who overcame interpersonal challenges
● Personal Inventory Lesson ● Values Storybook (create a children’s story based on a value to be learned)
● Communication Lesson ● Communication Games ● Social Etiquette with Media Lesson
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