Exploring Technology
possible, many institutions offer virtual tours and digital archives. ● Encourage students to create multimedia projects (videos, podcasts, interactive websites) that explore the history of a particular technology. They can include
8. Multimedia Projects:
interviews, primary source analysis, and visual representations of the technological evolution.
9. Historical Technology Fair:
● Organize a fair where students present models, posters, and demonstrations of historical technologies. This can be an interactive way for students to learn from each other and engage with the material creatively.
Guest Lectures and Interviews:
● Invite historians of technology or engineers to speak about the historical development of technologies. Students can prepare questions in advance and engage in discussions to deepen their understanding.
Resources/Suggested Lesson(s) ● Code.org ● Stykz ● Scratch Video Game Creator History of technology video Skills: ● Create a basic computer game using code. ● Create a basic animation using animation software. ● Have students assemble a desktop computer. ● Have students create a presentation that shares information about information technology and its effects on society. Scaffolded Learning: ● What impact does information technology have on my future? What information technology skills will I need for my future career? What plans or actions can I take now to help me be better prepared for a future IT career? Create a Flipgrid, poster, Google Slides presentation, website, or other visual display that answers these questions.
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