Elementary Tier 2 Manual

95%group Phonics Lesson Library High Implementation Walkthrough*

*If using the online version linked above please make a copy

Teacher Name_______________________ Observer: _________________

Date: __________________

Grade: ________ Time: _____________ Observation

Environment: Check all that apply  Group is seated where they can be seen and monitored  Teacher materials including word lists available (prepared)  Evidence the teacher or interventionist is prepared

Observed Evidence:  Explicit Instruction (sustained I do, we do, you do)  Consistent routines and expectations  Sequential (simple to complex)  Effective Modeling, (I do)  We do  You do  Corrective feedback; using the corrective routine as necessary  Differentiation within the group  I do, we do, you do, is being cycled back and forth to attend to student need

 Cue cards  Examples

 Explanations  Anchor Charts  Manipulatives  Images or Multimedia  Pair Share  Precision Partnering  Prompts/cueing  Rubrics(s)  Sentence Frame(s)  Visual scaffolds including signaling

Was there too much teacher extraneous talk?  Yes  No  Maybe Student Responses—Goal is 7 per minute (gestures, pointing, movement of materials) Implementation additional considerations: (optional post observational conference) Progress Monitoring is being done within 95% Phonics Lesson Library  Yes  No Progress Monitoring data with Acadience exists and is being completed at least bi-weekly.  Yes  Yes  No

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