Elementary Tier 2 Manual
Canyons School District
Instructional Supports Department
independent practice for any students that may not be with an instructor during the skills-based time
Instruction is typically implemented with a teacher/student ratio of 1:5. A ratio of 1:3 may be necessary to achieve a more intense student instructional practice and response rate. The instruction should be matched to the needs of the student. Begin by focusing on the skill gaps identifed by the universal screener. ● Group 1: Comprehension and Vocabulary ● Group 4: Word recognition skills (phonics and phonemic awareness)- gaps for these students are also identifed with the PASI and/or PSI Use concise, well paced routines that deliver an explicit model of instruction. Require students to demonstrate the skill with accuracy and fuency. Be sure to include these items in the explicit routine: ● Check that students are practicing correctly ● Group 2: Fluency of skill(s) ● Group 3: Accuracy of skill(s)
● Build curriculum coherence between Tier I and Tier II by aligning scaffolds, common vocabulary, resources and or accommodations to give access to content ● Problem solve the results of the intervention and next steps with on-going communication. Involve appropriate stakeholders ● Consider how best
● Have students repeat instructions ● Use error correction techniques
● Maintain high expectations for all students ● Provide students with multiple examples ● Provide guided practice opportunities ● Check for independence and mastery of skill
Step 5 Monitor Progress Check the skill often during instruction. Provide more guided opportunities when errors occur before moving to independence. After a skill has been taught, assess the skill to determine next steps. Continually monitor progress (at least every 2 weeks) with Acadience to determine if the student is making appropriate gains with the intervention. Use the data to determine next steps for groups of students. It is important to note that progress monitoring is best practice in order to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions; and for grades K-3 is required by Utah’s “Read to Succeed” (SB127) reading law. Details about Progress Monitoring and Utah Law, can be found in CSD’s Instructional Guides.
touse the4 modalities of
Language (Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing) to show mastery
DRAFT ● Use the Progress Monitoring Hierarchy for aligning off-level progress monitoring Step 6 Regroup and Advance to New Skill(s) or Reteach with more intensity Students receiving intervention should be able to move to a new grouping for appropriate instruction to acquire the needed skill(s). Some students will need to move to a new skill(s), and some students will need more intensive intervention with the same skill(s). Instructional decisions, including progress monitoring need to be consulted within a PLC, intervention team, and/or SST to develop a school or team plan for determining instructional match, delivery of instruction, progress monitoring of skill, and evaluating the effectiveness of interventions. See Appendix A for more ELA Tier 2 resources.
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