Elementary Tier 2 Manual

● Does the student have the quantity discrimination skills needed to name the number that is more? ● Can the student name the number that is more when untimed? ● Can the student identify numbers on the Number Identifcation Fluency measure? (Use the guiding questions for NIF measure.) ● Is the student able to discriminate the quantity that is more when given Beginning Quantity Discrimination, the kindergarten measure? (Use the guiding questions for BQD measure.)

● Magnitude comparison ● Vocabulary including concept of more ● See NIF examples, as needed ● See BQD examples, as needed

CSD Intervention Resources:


enVision Resources First Grade: Topics 1, 8, 9 ○ Reteach Lessons associated with Topics 1, 8, 9 ○ Intervention Lessons associated with Topics 1, 8, 9 ● Math Diagnostic and Intervention System (MDIS) Kit

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