3-6 Decodable book

own crew!” Now Drew was sad and blue. He hung his head and heaved a sigh. Slowly Drew flew back to the crows’ tree. “We don’t let peacocks land in our tree!” yelled one crow. “You don’t need us!” yelled another. And so Drew flew sadly away. Then a wise old crow spoke up. “Don’t be so hard on Drew,” she said. “He made a mistake, but you have too.” Then she flew off to find Drew. The crows knew that what she said was true. Drew threw away his peacock plumes. Drew was still blue and shed a tear. “Don’t cry, Drew. Fly back to the crew where you belong.” Drew gave the crows the “sorry” they were due. Slowly, Drew’s crew forgave him, and Drew felt better. He groomed his glossy black plumes. After a while Drew said to the crows, "Did you know that peacocks can hardly fly? That’s why they walk from here to there!” Drew knew he was happy to be with his crew! Drew learned a true lesson that day. He knew never to pretend to be something he was not.

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3-5 Decodable



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