3-6 Decodable book

was Mrs. Dole’s turn. Mrs. Dole rowed and rowed. But the boat didn’t go. “No!” Hope groaned. “Water is flowing into the boat!” “There must be a hole!”Mrs. Dole yelled. Hope and Mrs. Dole tried to lighten the load. They started to throw heavy things overboard. But the boat kept sinking lower and lower. They both were ready to swim to shore. Then, they saw a boat approaching. It was Mr. Dole! Hope and Mrs. Dole climbed into the motorboat. “Well, Hope,” Mr. Dole said. “Do you still want to sail your own boat in the show when you’re grown up?” “I do!” she replied. “What kind of boat do you want to own?” Mrs. Dole asked. “A sailboat, a rowboat, or a motorboat?” Hope chuckled. “I just want a boat that floats!”

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3-5 Decodable



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