Digital Literacy Instructional Guide

● Create an interactive presentation ● Entrepreneurship Simulation using digital tools

Resources/ Suggested Lesson(s)

Common Features And Commands

Chromebook Shortcut Keys Quizlet

Word Project

Spreadsheet Project

Pixel Art- Color By Number in Google Sheets

Jeopardy in Google Slides

All about Databases

Candy Databases

Calendaring Nearpod

Skills: ● Utilize common business applications to create projects that apply knowledge such as: ○ Word Processing: Create a document project (menu, location advertisement, birthday party invitation, etc.) that applies basic formatting, tables, and images. ○ Spreadsheet: Create a spreadsheet using data (candy, classmate eye color, favorite sports teams, etc.), then visually display the data in a graph or chart. ○ Presentation: Create a Choose Your Own Adventure story or a Jeopardy game board by applying knowledge of slide linking, animation/transitions, and layouts. ○ Calendaring: Create a calendar event that demonstrates the use of key details such as location, time zone, notes, and individual vs. recurring. Scaffolded Learning: ● How can these programs be utilized to work together to support an event? ○ Find a school or local event, or prepare for a potential event by creating a fyer or invitation with word processing software, planning a budget using spreadsheets, creating a presentation to outline the details, and creating a calendar invite for the event. ● How can these programs be used in your life as a student or in your future career pathway? ○ Utilize word processing software to create a resume ○ Create a study plan schedule/time tracking with spreadsheets, and track your progress using graphs or charts. ○ Use presentation software to develop a portfolio that you can share with future employers.

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