Digital Literacy Instructional Guide
UNIT3 Unpacked
Internet and Online Communication
● Video- The Internet: Wires Cables & Wifi ● Wired vs. WiFi Connections ● Impact of the Internet- ThingLink ● Benefits and Dangers of the Internet ● Internet Reading: Benefits and Dangers ● Google Applied Digital Skills- Email Writing
A/B Day Schedule: 6 Weeks Semester Schedule: 3 Weeks
STANDARDS 3: (Digital Communication) Students will use digital tools for the purpose of learning through connecting to the Internet, navigating websites, and sending and receiving communications digitally. 1: Identify the components of the Internet. 2: Explain how to connect to and navigate the Internet. 3: Identify a variety of online communication tools and the primary features of email. CONCEPTS (Nouns) SKILLS (Verbs) LANGUAGE SUPPORTS ● Components of the Internet ● Connecting to and Navigating the Internet ● Online Communication Tools and Email Features ● Simplifed Language and Clear Instructions ● Visual Aides
● Internet Literacy ● Connectivity Skills ● Web Navigation Profciency ● Digital Communication Skills ● Information Management ● Critical Thinking and Problem Solving ● Digital Citizenship and Ethics
● Vocabulary Support ● Multimodal Learning Materials ● Language Accommodations ● Scaffolding and Guided Practice
1. Basic Internet Literacy 2. Internet Connectivity and Confguration 3. Web Navigation Profciency 4. Digital Communication Tools 5. Information Management and Digital Citizenship 6. Problem Solving and Critical Thinking
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