Digital Literacy Instructional Guide

UNIT2 Unpacked

Information Processing Cycle



● Inside of a Desktop Computer + Explanation ● Drag & Drop Computer Hardware ● How computers work: CPU, Memory, Input & Output ( Video) ● What are Input and Output Devices? ● How Computers Work: Hardware vs. Software

A/B Day Schedule: 5-7 Weeks Semester Schedule: 4 Weeks

● Operating System Introduction ● What is an Operating system? ● Google: Say What You See Activity ● GFC Troubleshooting Basics


2: (Information Processing Cycle)- Students will identify a computer as a device that utilizes hardware and software to accept input, process data, store data, and produce output. 1: Identify computer hardware in the information processing cycle. 2: Explain the role of software in a computing system. 3: Explain how input devices function in the information processing cycle. 4: Define processing and explain how processing functions in the information processing cycle. 5: Explain how memory and storage devices function in the information processing cycle. 6: Explain how output devices function in the information processing cycle. 7: Identify common troubleshooting techniques.


SKILLS (Verbs)


● Computer Hardware in the Information Processing Cycle ● Role of Software in a Computing System ● Function of Input, Processing, Storage, and Output in the Information Processing Cycle ● Common Troubleshooting Techniques

● Identify Computer Hardware ● Understand Software Roles ● Operating Input Devices ● Understanding Processing ● Managing Memory and Storage ● Utilizing Output Devices ● Troubleshooting Techniques

● Visual Aides ● Simplifed Language ● Glossary of Terms ● Multimodal Learning Materials ● Peer Support and Collaboration ● Scaffolded Instruction ● Interactive Activities

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