Dance Instructional Guide
Learning Intentions : ● I am learning how to identify and implement the elements of dance so I can communicate artistic intent in both pre-choreographed dances and my own unique choreography. Success Criteria : I will know I have learned it when: ● I can define and demonstrate different elements of dance and dynamic qualities of movement. ● I can identify the use of elements of dance and dynamic qualities of movement in pre choreographed dances. ● I can create new choreography and use these dance elements and dynamics to support the artistic intent of my dance.
Example of Learning Progression
1. Learn and explore elements of dance including: a. Time ■ How to hear the downbeat of a song
■ The progression of how to count music (single, half, quarter, and eighth beats) ■ Time manipulation- playing with speed variation and stillness ■ The difference between 4/4 time and 3/4 time b. Space
■ How to use low, medium, and high levels of space ■ The difference between positive and negative space ■ How different areas of space can also influence movement.
c. Energy ■ The difference between different dynamic qualities of movement including: sustain, suspend, dollapse, percussive, vibratory, and explosive movements. 2. Discuss how dynamic and energy choices can influence the mood of the dance, which can influence audience interpretation in pre-choreographed dances. 3. Create your own dance project utilizing all explored elements and dynamics of dance. WISR CONNECTIONS:
Inquiry, Speaking, Viewing
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