Dance Instructional Guide

Collaboration, Professionalism, & Etiquette Beginning/Introductory Dance Course


● 7–8.D.CR.1: Demonstrate openness, willingness, persistence, and respect in trying new ideas, methods and approaches in creating dance. ● 7–8.D.P.6: Collaborate with peers to achieve performance accuracy, clarity, and expressiveness; discuss the choices made, the effects experienced, and methods for improvement. ● 7–8.DLP.8: Use appropriate etiquette practices during class, rehearsal, and performance; accept and apply feedback.


● L1.D.CR.1: Demonstrate openness, willingness, persistence, respect, and cooperation in trying new ideas, methods, and approaches in creating dance. ● L1.D.P.6: Collaborate with peers to achieve performance accuracy, clarity, and expressiveness; discuss the choices made, the effects experienced, and methods for improvement. ● L1.D.P.8: Demonstrate leadership qualities when working in groups. ● L1.D.P.9: Use appropriate etiquette practices during class, rehearsal, and performance; accept and apply feedback.


Perform as a productive and collaborative member and/or leader of a group in class, rehearsal, and performance.

Example of Learning Intention and Success Criteria

Learning Intention: I am learning to demonstrate appropriate etiquette and expectations for dance class, rehearsal, and performances so I can be a productive and collaborative member of a dance ensemble.

Success Criteria: I will know I have it when, ● I can display the communicated dance class etiquette and expectations.

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