DLI 5th Grade Guide

Keyboarding Weekly Schedule Key Language Uses (KLU): Explain

● Teach classroom rules/procedures/expectations related to technology and using devices (use in conjunction with 16 day SBI routine, see this link to the Tier 2 Manual pages 30-39 for more information) ● Distribute passwords and practice logging into Chromebooks and CSDDocs ● Practice logging into Typing Club with your students ● Practice proper technique with your students ○ sit up straight ○ feet fat on the foor

Week 1 Digital PBIS

○ body centered with the “G” and “H” keys ○ fngers curved and oriented to home row ○ wrists straight and elbows naturally at sides ○ eyes on copy or screen, not on keys ○ correct fngers used for keystrokes ○ key with smooth rhythm and quiet hands

● Students engage in Typing Club lessons ● Students should be enrolled in the following classes: ○ Core: Typing Jungle (3, 4, 5) ○ Spanish: Jungla de Teclas (Latinoamérica) ○ French: Expédition dactylo ○ Chinese: 习 字 丛 林

Ongoing Weekly Instruction (20 min./week)

○ Practice Stories: Eva & the Rabbit, Ava et le Lapin (French), Eva y el Cojeno (Spanish), Sam & Luna, Sam y Luna (Spanish), The Beast of Camp Buckley ○ Extensions: Vocab and Spelling 5, Digital Citizenship 5 ● Teachers should be monitoring student for proper technique as students are typing, regardless of when they are typing. Proper technique includes: ○ sit up straight ○ feet fat on the foor

○ body centered with the “G” and “H” keys ○ fngers curved and oriented to home row ○ wrists straight and elbows naturally at sides ○ eyes on copy or screen, not on keys ○ correct fngers used for keystrokes ○ key with smooth rhythm and quiet hands

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