DLI 5th Grade Guide

End of Unit Competency Students will demonstrate their understanding of the Constitution and its relevance in their life, including the Bill of Rights, the branches of government, and how the Constitution has changed and been interpreted over time. Language Features: ● Nouns: purpose, principle, historic events/issues, current events/issues, three branches, checks and balances, signifcance, civic duties ● Verbs: explain, apply, cite, establish, identify, provide examples, extended rights SKILLS VOCABULARY (Can be supplemented by Wonders and be classroom-specifc) ● explain ● apply ● cite ● establish ● Constitution ● principles ● Preamble ● branches of government ● Legislative branch ● Judicial branch ● Executive branch ● checks and balances ● Bill of Rights ● amendment Wonders Content Integration Unit 2 Wonders TE T26: Students research primary and secondary sources to identify how and when delegates solved issues that led to the creation of the Constitution. Social Studies Standards: 5.3.1: Using examples from the Constitution, explain the general purpose and signifcant foundational principles of the US government; 5.3.2: Apply the goals found in the Preamble of the Constitution to historic and current events and issues; 5.3.3: Explain why the founders established a government system with three branches and cite historic and current examples of checks and balances Additional Resources ● identify ● provide examples

UEN Constitution Lesson Plan UEN How a Bill Becomes a Law History Channel Lesson Plans on the Constitution

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