DLI 4th Grade Guide

4th Grade Wonders Argumentative Rubric

Purpose, Focus, and Organization (4-point Rubric)

Evidence and Elaboration (4-point Rubric)

Conventions of Standard English (2-point Rubric)



● Stays somewhat focused on the purpose, audience, and task, but may include unimportant details ● Does not make a clear claim or does not completely support a perspective ● Uses few transitional strategies to connect ideas ● May present ideas that do not follow a logical progression, or order ● May begin with an ● Is not aware of the purpose, audience, and task ● Does not make a claim or does not support a perspective ● Uses few or no transitional strategies to connect ideas ● Does not present ideas in a logical progression, or order ● Does not include an introduction nor a conclusion inadequate introduction or end with an unsatisfactory conclusion

● Shows some support of the claim with logical reasons ● Has weak and inappropriate examples of evidence or does not include enough sources ● May not use elaborative techniques effectively ● Express some interesting ideas, but ideas are simple and vague ● Uses limited academic and domain-specific language ● May use only simple sentence structures ● Supports the claim with few logical reasons or does not support the claim at all ● Has few or no examples of evidence or does not include enough sources ● Does not use elaborative techniques ● Has confusing or unclear ideas or does not express any interesting ideas ● Does not demonstrate a grasp of academic and domain-specific language ● Consists only of sentence structures

● Has a sufficient

command of grammar andusage

● Has a sufficient commandof capitalization,

punctuation, spelling, and sentence formation

● Has slight errors in grammar and usage that may affect meaning


● Has an incomplete

command of grammar andusage

● Has an incomplete commandof capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and sentence formation ● Has some errors in grammar and usage that may affect meaning


● Does not have a

command of grammar andusage

● Does not have a commandof capitalization,

punctuation, spelling, and sentence formation ● Has too many serious errors in grammar and usage that frequently disrupt meaning


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