DLI 3rd grade guide
Science of Reading
2. Predicts later outcomes in reading and spelling. 3. Highly benefcial for novice readers and spellers. 4. Interacts and facilitates the development of vocabulary and word consciousness. Background Knowledge is essential to comprehension of text. Background knowledge refers to all of the information and understanding that students need to gain deep understanding from the text. Without the background knowledge to connect meaning to content specifc vocabulary, analogies and referrants, even though a word can be decoded, pronounced and read, the meaning in the current context might not be recognized. The more background knowledge a reader has, the more they are able to make connections to and think critically about a text. Vocabulary refers to students’ knowledge of, and memory for, word meanings. Vocabulary knowledge is demonstrated through the four domains of language; reading, listening, speaking and writing. Most students have a greater receptive vocabulary (words you can understand) than expressive vocabulary (words used during speaking and writing). Using words expressively requires a deep understanding of a word and the context in which it is used. Language Structures used in writing often differ from how we speak. This includes syntax and word choice. Syntax is the way sentences are constructed, and may be more diffcult in text due to the length of sentences, referents, and cohesive ties. Word choice is concerned with developing meaning, and texts often include low-frequency words. Verbal Reasoning is the process of making sense of what we read and hear. Verbal reasoning involves understanding what is being said implicitly in the text, and requires the ability to make an inference. Verbal reasoning allows students to recognize the tone and mood of a text. Literacy Knowledge encompasses everything about language and texts. Literacy knowledge requires print awareness, genres, and the idea that texts are organized in specifc ways. It includes phonological awareness, and awareness of text structures and features. When all the components of Scarborough’s Rope intertwine, reading is skilled, accurate, and fuent, with strong comprehension. (Adapted from Braintrust, 2023).
Revised: 05/23/23
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